Conceive Wellness Acupuncture Fertility Acupuncture, Bainbridge Island
Moxibustion involves the heating of acupuncture points with smoldering mugwort herb (known as moxa). Moxibustion stimulates circulation, counteracts cold and dampness in the body, and promotes the smooth flow of blood and qi. This safe, non-invasive technique may be used alone, but it is generally used in conjunction with acupuncture treatment.
TDP Lamp
This mode of warming the body is achieved via the use of an infrared lamp. This modality is often accompanied by the application of herbal linaments to the body, which have various functions, such as warming and energizing the yang and moving the blood.
East Asian medicine recognizes that health challenges can originate from imbalances in lifestyle, such as poor diet and high stress. As part of treatment, these issues are discussed, and solutions are sought, through exploration of helpful foods, exercises and habits.
Fertility treatment involves discussion of practices to optimize the liklihood of conception in any given cycle. Through discussion of organic indicators that do not require lab tests, you become empowered with a greater knowledge of the clues your body provides to help with conception. Lifestyle and diet are a part of this discussion, with helpful articles and research available for your review in this arena.
Deborah Houseworth, MAc, AEMP;
Acupuncture and Eastern Medicine Practitioner;
755 Winslow Way East Suite 206
Bainbridge Island, WA 98110